If you’ve decided to get a part time job, you may be wondering where would be the best place to start looking. Finding good part time job listings can be difficult, especially if you are looking in the wrong places. But if you know which places to avoid, and how to protect yourself from scams, you will find it much easier to find the job you are looking for.
The first thing you’ll want to know is where you probably don’t want to look. The big job boards that post all kinds of jobs from all around the country will fall into this category for you. These sites can be very good when you are looking for some jobs, but for a part time job, you’re probably wasting your time on these.
One problem with these big job sites is that they attract mostly recruiters who are looking for many candidates to fill a job listing they received from one of their clients. Many part time jobs won’t be filled this way, so you won’t find many listed there. Another problem is that many of the supposed part time positions are really “business opportunities” rather than jobs.
So if you don’t want to look at the big job boards, where do you want to look? One great resource would be the classified ads from your local newspaper. Most papers now have these listings online and are available for free for anyone who wants to look. Since many local businesses will be more comfortable with advertising part time jobs this way, you have a better chance of finding what you are looking for.
Another good resource would be specialized job boards. These are the smaller, and often less known, job boards that specialize in something. Some may specialize in only jobs that pay by the hour, where others will cater to a particular industry such as food services. Use your favorite search engine to look using words that describe the job you want along with words like “job listings” to find these boards.
One other resource that may or may not be good, depending on your location, would be online classified listing websites like Craig’s List. Often employers will use these because they are free to post on, but be aware that you are more likely to run into scams and “business opportunities” at these sites than at the others.
Be careful to avoid being taken in by a scam. If someone wants you to pay for information about a job, or wants you to pay to submit an application, it is probably a scam. And if the job appears to be too good to be true, as the old saying goes, it probably is, so avoid these too.